Well, That's it for this year.
If you're busy, or uncaring, then the interesting bit is over and you can go back to reading everyone elses
comics now. Here is my little write up of my thoughts on the whole process.
Firstly, the Ozcomics 24 hour Challenge is great. It gives away awesome prizes and is a great opportunity
to motivate yourself into finishing something you're proud of. Which is why I've done it all 3 years in a row. To varying
This year I was really irritated. I'd been honing my art skills up heaps all year thanks to taking
TEE art as a subject and putting some more effort into my cartooning, and was ready and raring to go the whole 24. But fate
was to say no. I wanted to start on Saturday at 11 like the rest of Australia, instead i had a big drama rehearsal until 6.
Fine then, i shall begin at 6, get 8 pages done before knocking off and finish in the friendly hours of sunday morning. NEVER.
Family dinner at my uncle's stole my precious 5 hours. Then another drama rehearsal on sunday from 12 - 7 meant I
only got a grand total of 5 hours to work on it in the whole of Sunday. 8 pages in 5 hours is no mean feat people,
let me tell you.
So I worked. Starting at 10am on Sunday I was not lucky enough to get a long weekend with which to
be able to stay up late on Sunday night. No, exams were this week, and sleep was needed. So the first page I was confident
with. It looked snazzy, I had my character, albeit my weird characer down on paper and a fairly passable 8th done. in
just 39 minutes.
Lunch, a shower and a hectic scramble later I had finished my second page's pencils. So, rushing for
the door I quickly posted it up on my progress report and bailed for the door.
Returning at 7 I had a dismal chance of recovery. 6 1/2 pages in 3 hours was even a little too ambitious
for me. I hastily inked up page 2, threw together page 3 (which conssequently was my LEAST favorite page) and it was already
creeping on 8. I had to work faster.
Script now fully realized in my mind I churned out pages 4 and 5, both of which were monumental disapointments.
Take note especially that page 5 is my other least favorite, it doesn't really do much justice to the piece.
Page six was finished and inked on the dot of 9.30, a page to be much prouder of, I think I really
raised my game in my exhaustion pushing throuhg the wrist barrier there, but it did leave me with only half an hour before
my designated stop time. There would need to be some kind of magic. COFFEE.
With breath-taking speed I pulled together page 7, another average, but not hideous page and finished on
a flourisshing high note with page 8, a magnificent homage to the glory of Lucifer and his mighty Spork.
There were some great times in those few hours and I enjoyed it tremendously, making it something I am sure I
will do again next year and for many years to come. 'Twas jolly good fun.